Guide to Pickleball Paddles

With so many pickleball paddles out there to choose from, it can be hard to narrow it down. Many beginners are overwhelmed by what they find online or in sporting goods stores. They don’t want to buy the wrong item! This guide to pickleball paddles will help you find something that works well, fits properly in your hand, and also aligns with your budget.

pickleball paddles winnipeg

Control and Power

Your personal preferences should have plenty of influence over the pickleball paddle you select. You may need to try a few of them before you are sold on the perfect one for you. It is true, different ones can give you various amounts of power while others give you more control. If you are after power, look for one with a long handle and 13mm core. It should have a surface made from fiberglass and be elongated.

If you seek more control, a pickleball paddle with a shorter handle and 14mm core is recommended. The surface should be made from carbon and the body should be wide. You can get a balance of both control and power with a paddle that features a long handle and 13mm core. It should be elongated and made out of fiberglass.

Grip Size

You will notice the grip size of any pickleball paddle depends on the manufacturer. They range from 3 5/8” to 4 ½”. The specs for grip size will be included in the description online and should be on the packaging when you shop in sporting goods stores. There is no right or wrong size, but you must test out different pickleball paddles. Determine what fits and feels the best in your hands.

When you have the correct grip size, you can place the pointer finger of your opposite hand between your palm and fingertips while holding the pickleball paddle. When you have a smaller grip size, you gain more range of motion for your wrist. This increases both power and spin.

Length of the Handle

As mentioned above, the length of the handle on any pickleball paddle will influence how much control and power you have. A longer handle will increase your power. If you use two hands for your backhand hits, you need a handle length around 5 ½” to have the most control.

Paddle Shape

There are four different paddle shapes, and they influence power and control. It is a personal preference of which one is best for you. Spend some time trying to hit with different ones. Pay attention to the results you get and how these items feel in your hand. It won’t take long for you to prefer one paddle shape over the others. The options include:

  • Elongated
  • Long body
  • Round
  • Wide body

The wide body pickleball paddle shape is the most common. People who play tennis seem to prefer this style. It is also a good choice for those new to the game because there is less weight at the top of the paddle. The elongated option is a good choice for someone who uses both hands when they make a backhand hit.
Round paddles are best reserved for those with ample knowledge and skill with the game of pickleball. This design gives them a competitive edge at the net and that is why they like to use it. Long body paddles tend to be used in singles matches because they have a longer handle and the person can cover more area with this design.

Paddle Weight

The pickleball paddle has to feel comfortable in your hand, not like a weight holding you back! If it is too heavy, you will struggle to complete a game with it before your arms get heavy and you need a break. If the paddle is too light, you won’t have the force you need behind it when you hit the ball. As a result, it may not go over the net to the opposing team. They range in weight from 7 ounces to 9 ounces.


The thickness of a pickleball paddle influences the power you have with it. The products available range in thickness from 11mm to 19mm. Thinner ones tend to offer more control and a thicker paddle will offer more power behind it.

What is it made from?

The majority of pickleball paddles are made from fiberglass, but there are plenty of other choices for consumers to look at. Fiberglass products are light, inexpensive, and durable. They aren’t as stiff as other materials, and that gives the player some flexibility when they hit the ball with it.

Nomex core can offer more power, but these paddles are noisy. They can be a distraction and irritate other players around you. Aluminum is a light option, but not many of the brands go this route with their product design.

Polymer core is often used to create pickleball paddles because it is quiet and the material is durable. The paddle is going to last for a long time. They can range in price from $30 to over $200 based on the quality of the material and the brand name. Some of the products are hybrids, meaning the pickleball paddle is made from two or more materials.

Pickleball Paddles In Winnipeg?

As pickleball gains in popularity more stores will carry pickleball paddles in Winnipeg. Sportchek and Canadian Tire both carry paddles. Amazon is also a good option for paddles. You have to order online for Amazon but they have one of the larger selection for pickleball paddles.